Thursday, February 2, 2012

The beginning...

Hey everyone!!

So I'm completely new to the blogging world & everything that comes with it, and it been a long request from family and close friends for me to start one. Please bare with me I will get the hang of it soon I hope.. but I do hope to grow & improve as time goes on. A little bit about myself and what this blog will be about I'm just another average dysfunctional girl in the world finding an escape through the beauty scene. I'm in love with colors & I love to play & experiment with anything from make-up, clothes, shoes, nail polishes & everything in between. I intend this blog to be a little insight to my escape into the beauty world, care to join me? Please do :].  I'm completely open to any suggestions & ideas that come my ways. Hopefully I will get the chance post a nail design & a nail polish haul. Til next time! Smile 'cause its good for the soul! Take care.

<3 always
      beautysaurus :]


  1. Welcome to the blogging world! It's a lot of fun so I'm sure you'll love it :)
